
Sorting Comments

Available Options: All the options in LakM\Comments\Enums\Sort class.

  • Sort::TOP - Sort by custom algorithm (default).

  • `Sort::LATEST - Sort by latest comments.

  • Sort::OLDEST - Sort by oldest comments.

  • Sort::REPLIES - Sort by replies count

Overwrite default sort order


Change the default_sort option in comments.config file.

// comments.config

use LakM\Comments\Enums\Sort;

return [
    // Default comments sort order, See Sort::class for available values
    'default_sort' => Sort::TOP,

Model-wise (Higher priority)

Define variable $commmentsSortOrder and set the value in commentable model.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use LakM\Comments\Concerns\Commentable;
use LakM\Comments\Contracts\CommentableContract;
use LakM\Comments\Enums\Sort;

class Post extends Model implements CommentableContract
    use Commentable;

    $commmentsSortOrder = Sort::TOP;

Sorting Replies

Available Options: Following options in LakM\Comments\Enums\Sort class.

  • `Sort::LATEST - Sort by latest comments.

  • Sort::OLDEST - Sort by oldest comments.

Overwrite default sort order


Change the reply.default_sort option in comments.config file.

// comments.config

use LakM\Comments\Enums\Sort;

return [
    'reply' => [
        // Default comments sort order, available values: Sort::LATEST, Sort::OLDEST
        'default_sort' => Sort::LATEST,

Model-wise (Higher priority)

Define variable $repliesSortOrder and set the value in commentable model.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use LakM\Comments\Concerns\Commentable;
use LakM\Comments\Contracts\CommentableContract;
use LakM\Comments\Enums\Sort;

class Post extends Model implements CommentableContract
    use Commentable;

    $repliesSortOrder = Sort::TOP;

Last updated